вторник, 18 февраля 2020 г.


Your name or email address: Kforcer , Oct 9, In my opinion it is one of the best mat wrestling videos around, however it is strictly wrestling. The great coaches and wrestlers like Dan Gable, Jeff Swenson and Greg Strobel are still great but Wade Shcalles wins first place in my book with his killer cradles and terminal takedowns series. Dec 19, Messages: Warchild10 , Dec 5, There are many different types of cradles to hit for many different types of situations. wade schalles killer cradles

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Terminal Takedowns starring Wade Schalles 5. Pinning from the Top Position Currently 5.

Warchild10Dec 5, After watching this series I felt like I had been doing and teaching cradles all wrong before I saw it. Daniel FoxOct 8, There are many different types of cradles to hit for many different types of situations.

Killer Cradles By Wade Schalles | Sherdog Forums | UFC, MMA & Boxing Discussion

All in all this DVD series is just above all the rest I've ever seen. As an added bonus, Coach Schalles has compiled all of the individual techniques on a ccradles DVD for coaches and athletes to use as a quick reference! KforcerDec 5, If this set doesn't do the trick within their scope of instructionnone will.

wade schalles killer cradles

This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Most of the cradles are when your opponent is in the belly down position.

wade schalles killer cradles

A cradle really can be hit from almost any position. You must log in or sign up to reply here. No, create an account now. I do not know if it would transfer over to BJJ.

Wade Schalles shows the little adjustments that can be made to make putting a cradle in fast, easy and almost effortless.

Dec 19, Messages: I have a cradle video by him already and I'd like to see if its worth getting I already have a big collection and if this is mostly old footage, it wouldn't have anything new for me thanks. Other Products You Might Like. There are so many little things Wade Schalles teaches that make such a big difference.

KILLER CRADLES: Terminal Takedowns starring Wade Schalles

The techniques are brutal and simple. His explanation of legal discomfort is enlightening and his talk about how even a lesser athlete from a lesser crxdles program can turn the tables with a cradle is inspirational. Wade Schalles is an excellent teacher. Nov 25, Messages: Schalles uses many excellent metaphors to explain techniques to get things across. Yes, my password is: Many wrestlers don't use cradle because they think cradles are too difficult to put in.

By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Whether you are in the up position or underneath, chances are there's a cradle available. Wade takes coached and athletes step-by-step through a dizzying array of cradles oiller cradle defenses, pointing out the finer points of each technique including all the details that make the difference between winning and losing. Terminal Takedowns starring Wade Schalles. Buy Now, Watch Now! He really know how to break things down and make them simple to understand.

wade schalles killer cradles

In my opinion it is one of the best mat wrestling videos around, however it is strictly wrestling.

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